Senianya Primary School

We always love to visit Senianya Primary School because of the welcome we receive. Experience has shown us that any small amount of effort or money we give towards a project will be increased exponentially. It often feels like the loaves and fishes parable!

The school is also fortunate to have a committed school principal and dedicated teachers who make the most out of the meager resources they have in this impoverished and isolated school 10km outside Acornhoek.

The first view is of a carefully tended, nicely landscaped garden, but once you turn the corner, you will see the very large permaculture garden with its abundance of vegetables and trees laden with fruit. This garden is only possible because of the help that Seeds of Light and A Spring of Hope have put towards providing water for the school through borehole maintenance, water catchment, water tanks and irrigation. The fresh fruit and vegetables are vital to the children’s health. When we visit, we inevitably see groups of children helping in the garden being taught water-wise garden principles with enough instruction to develop gardens in their own homes.

With over 700 students, Senianya is a beacon of hope for the surrounding community and for the children, about 300 of whom are orphans or vulnerable. They have a superb drama program and two different cultural dance groups and choirs, and have won numerous awards in school competitions. Seeds of Light is teaching an art class to further promote creativity. This has become one of the highlights of the children’s week.